Debt collection in the Netherlands: Complete Guide

Debt collection in the Netherlands: Complete Guide

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October 11, 2024

Understanding debt collection in the Netherlands

Debt collection in the Netherlands refers to the legal process of pursuing payments owed by individuals or businesses. This can be carried out by specialized collection agencies, bailiffs, or attorneys who are licensed to act in this capacity. Knowing the legal framework and best practices for debt collection in the Netherlands is crucial for effectively recovering debts.

Steps for successful debt recovery in the Netherlands

1. Verify payment terms

Under Dutch law, the payment term for invoices issued to businesses is typically 30 days. While companies can agree on different payment terms, these should not exceed 60 days. For public authorities, the 30-day rule also applies. When dealing with consumers, the payment term can be set according to the agreement, but a period of 14 days is usually considered reasonable.

2. Communicate with your debtor

If a debtor does not pay, it’s advisable to reach out directly. Initiating contact via phone can clarify any misunderstandings about the invoice. If the debtor is a business, ensure you speak to someone authorized to represent them, which can usually be identified through the Dutch Chamber of Commerce's trade register.

3. Send a payment reminder

If payment is not received by the due date, send a friendly payment reminder. This reminder should outline potential consequences of non-payment, such as interest charges or additional costs.

4. Draft a formal demand letter

If the payment reminder does not yield results, the next step is to send a formal demand letter. For private individuals, Dutch law requires that a reminder be sent free of charge before issuing a demand letter. This demand letter must specify the outstanding amount and inform the debtor that statutory interest and collection costs may be applied if payment is not made within the stipulated time frame.

5. Calculate and add collection costs

Should the debtor remain unresponsive after receiving the demand letter, you are entitled to charge for collection costs and statutory interest for late payments. The amount of collection costs can vary; for consumers, it’s a fixed percentage of the outstanding sum, while for businesses, this can be determined through agreements.

6. Consider payment arrangements

In some cases, it may be wise to propose a payment arrangement to the debtor. It’s important to first assess their ability to pay. If a payment plan is agreed upon, confirm it in writing to prevent misunderstandings later.

7. Initiate legal proceedings

If previous attempts to collect the debt fail, you may need to consider legal proceedings. A creditor can only initiate this process if they have a valid judgment. Collecting a debt through the Dutch legal system can take 6-10 weeks if the debtor does not contest the claims, although it can take longer if a defense is presented.

8. Utilize legal resources

If you are unsure how to proceed, enlisting the help of a collection agency, bailiff, or debt collection lawyer may be necessary. Collection agencies can issue demand letters, while bailiffs can initiate legal action. Lawyers can assist with drafting formal documents and representing you in court.

9. Understand your rights: Retention of title and right of reclamation

Under Dutch law, sellers have the right to retain ownership of goods until payment is made (retention of title). This provides substantial protection against non-payment. Additionally, sellers may reclaim delivered goods if payment has not been received, even in cases of the debtor's bankruptcy.

Example retention of title clause

To safeguard your interests, it’s advisable to include a retention of title clause in your contracts. Here’s a sample clause:

  1. Retention of title: The seller retains ownership of the goods until the purchase price and any additional sums due have been paid.
  2. Obligations of the buyer: The buyer must care for the goods and maintain insurance against risks. Any sale must ensure that proceeds are held separately for the seller.
  3. Right of access: The seller has the right to access the buyer’s premises to reclaim goods if payment is not made.
  4. Notification in case of Non-Payment: If payment is not received, the seller may reclaim the goods through a written declaration.


Debt collection in the Netherlands requires a clear understanding of legal obligations and effective communication strategies. By following the outlined steps, you can enhance your chances of recovering debts while ensuring compliance with Dutch law.

For more information for about debt collection in the Netherlands consider to contact NIKKI.

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